Post Office

The Post Office allows military personnel and their families to receive a PO Box address, allowing them to use the USPS system while at Kadena Air Base.

Directory Customer Service


Requirements for members opening a box with the Kadena Post Office:
• Must be stationed on Island for 12 months or more
• Must have Orders/LOA/LOE showing that member works on Kadena.
• If this does not reflect then members also need a Kadena Housing Letter along with Orders/LOA/LOE verifying members live on Kedena. See here for more details. 

Sponsors can open boxes for in-bound members no earlier than 45 days prior to members inbound, per the new reference from Military Postal Service Procedures Manuel (MPM). Once a member is within the 45 day window, please email 718FSS.FSXP.KADENAPOSTOFFICE@US.AF.MIL to request DD Form 2263.

To place items on hold/fwd/inbound the DD Form 2263 must be accomplished. For a step-by-step guide, click here.

Before going on leave for more than 15 days, you must fill out a forward/hold slip.

Retirees opening up a box- due to PACAF AIRPS/PO Postal Guidance Memorandum for the Postal Mission of the Pacific Air Forces, page 17 section 3.29 Security Measures it states, “Retirees are only authorized APO privileges in South Korea and Australia”.

Authorized Agent Form

Please email

or come in person with the following: 04. USPS 3801 DELIVERY

If you would like to designate someone to pick up your mail, please fill out the attached PS 3801 (reference template on completion). The authorized agent must have SOFA status (CAC). Once the form has been completed, please have the person listed as the authorized agent print and bring to the Post Office Customer Service window to finalize the processing.


Postal Workers in Action!


Q: Why can I not open a box with the Kadena Post Office if I am a part of the military, but I do not work or live on Kadena?

A: Per the Military Post Service Procedures Manual (MPM) page 76 SECTION 18: MANAGEMENT OF DELIVERY RECEPTACLES

  1. A command sponsor may obtain a delivery receptacle through formal request for an incoming patron not earlier than 45 days prior to arrival if sufficient delivery receptacle are available for issue. Attach the completed DD Form 2258 to the delivery receptacle. Show the due date and draw a red diagonal line across the face of the form to indicate that the sponsor is due to arrive. Issue a delivery receptacle at either the MPO of duty assignment or housing location where government quarters are assigned. (Publication 52 – hazardous, restricted, and Perishable Mail. USPS Packaging Instruction 9E | Postal Explorer, n.d.)

Q: What do I need to In-Process?

A: Note: Per the Military Postal Service Procedures Manual Section 18: Management of Delivery Receptacles 18.1 General, h. states, “A command sponsor may obtain a delivery receptacle through formal request for an incoming patron not earlier than 45 days prior to arrival ”.  Therefore, we are not authorized to open a box more than 45 days from the member’s arrival date.

Sponsors, please email: or come in person:

  • To open a mailbox (Air Force): please provide a copy of your orders and arrival date.
  • If you are not Air Force:  Orders/LOE/LOA showing you will be assigned for more than 1 year and you work on Kadena Japan. If documentation does not reflect you work on Kadena, please provide a Kadena Housing Letter stating you live in Japan along with Orders/LOE/LOA.

Q: What do I need to Out-Process?

A: Please email: or visit us with the following:


PSC 80 BOX #:








Q: What do I need to Authorize someone to pick up my mail?

A: Please email: or come in person  with the following:

If you would like to designate someone to pick up your mail, please fill out the PS 3801 The authorized agent must have SOFA status (CAC). Once the form has been completed, please have the person listed as the authorized agent print and bring to the Post Office Customer Service window to finalize the processing.

Q: What do I need to place my box on hold?

A: Note: If you are unable to pick up your mail by the 15th day after their arrival, you can either place your box on hold, temporarily forward your mail, or authorize someone to pick up your mail. The maximum time we can hold a parcel, even with a Hold, is 45 days. If you have received a parcel but have not put your receptacle on Hold before departing the island, the hold will take effect on the day it is requested. Anything that was received before the requested Hold date will be held to the above timelines.


If you would like to place your receptacle on hold, please email:  or visit us in person with the below information:

Sponsor Name:

DoD ID #:

Box #:

Start and End Date:


Please advise our system will not allow us to back-date holds.  If you have received an email for the item(s). We recommend you use the 3801 or for more information see below.


Q: I got an email saying my mailbox is going to expire soon?

A: If you extended your DEROS or were not expecting your mailbox to close out so soon, you can send us a copy of your orders/SURF/LOA/LOE to our org box. 718FSS.FSXP.KADENAPOSTOFFICE@US.AF.MIL


Q: How can I track my package?

A: You can either track a package on or provide a tracking number to the customer service window and we can track your package for you.


Q: My package arrived damaged how can I get my money back?

A: You can either refuse the package at the parcel pick up window or we can provide you with a Damaged Condition Sheet which can assist you with filing a claim. It is recommended to take a picture of your damaged package to provide proof to the company you are requesting a claim from.


Q: How do I open a PO Box for an incoming member?

A: We can open a box for a member within 45 days of their arrival on island. Just provide us a copy of the incoming members orders or send a copy to our org box. 718FSS.FSXP.KADENAPOSTOFFICE@US.AF.MIL

Q: Is APO to APO free?

A: Yes, however only select postal codes are eligible for free APO service. Most APO’s located in the pacific are eligible. Some Europe and middle east zip codes are subject to pay for postage!

Q: Is overnight express shipping available?

A: Unfortunately, due to our location, we cannot overnight ship parcels. We do offer a 3-5 business day express shipping.

Q: Can I complete the customs form at home?

A: Yes! You can use PirateShip, Click-N-Ship, or at home to complete the customs form! When completed, print your form out and drop off your parcel to a postal clerk and you are good to go! click here for Customs Forms Instructions and here for Pirate Ship Instruction. 

06. USPS Customs Form Instructions

Q: Can I reuse old boxes to ship things out?

A: Yes! Please ensure old labels are removed from the box and if there are any priority or express labels, they must be removed!

Q: Can I use priority boxes if I want to use APO to APO?

A: Unfortunately, not. If there are any priority markings on the box, it is required to pay for priority postage!

Q: What is a customs form and why is it required?

A: A customs form is a declaration of what you are bringing into the country. It is required to ensure the goods inside your parcels are allowed into the country and to calculate taxes and duties to be paid.

06. USPS Customs Form Instructions

07. Pirate Ship SOP

Q: How long does shipping take?

A:  Express takes approximately 3-5 business days, Priority takes about 7-10 business days, and Ground advantages takes about 2-3 weeks.

Q: What items require a customs form?

A: Documents/Paper are the only items that do NOT need a customs form. Anything besides paper requires customs form even if it fits into an envelope!

06. USPS Customs Form Instructions

07. Pirate Ship SOP

Q: Why do I need to be specific on a customs form?

A: Our postal system will put a GTC hold on your parcel if the descriptions on the customs form are too vague. EX: “Toys”, “Household Goods”, “Gift” are all descriptions that will put your parcel on hold. When a parcel is on GTC hold the system will not allow us to transport and process your parcel.

Q: What items are prohibited to ship?

A: Batteries including lithium batteries. Lithium batteries are in items that need to be charged such as speakers, laptops, and phones. Perfume/cologne, alcohol of any kind, and tabacco/nicotine products are prohibited to ship. The full list is located on > International> Military & Diplomatic Mail > Scroll down to “helpful links” > International shipping Prohibitions and restrictions > Individual Country Listings> Japan.

Q: Do returned goods such as Amazon returns, need a customs form?

A: Yes! The label that the company provides you upon return, is only a postage form. That label just means that the postage is paid for. Returned goods still require a customs form to be completed to declare what is being brought into the country.

Under the Parcel Service Center (PSC) section please add a tab for Commonly Asked Questions drop down.

PSC Shipping Dos & Don’ts:

Q: How come the pick-up window says I don’t have a package when I received an email/notification from Amazon, USPS, etc.?

A: Customers will receive an automatic email once we have processed their mail. Once the email is received, please read the subject for the location of your package. It can be small enough to be placed in your mailbox or a parcel locker.


Q: Can we send letters/packages at the pick-up window?

A: No, the pick-up window is strictly for receiving packages. Please utilize the blue mailbox outside our facility for letters or Outbound Mail.


Q: Since Outbound Mail is not open on Mondays, where can we send out packages?

A: Camp Foster Post Office and Kadena Navy Post Office are the closest facilities to Kadena that are open on Mondays.


Q: What can I do if my package is damaged?

A: The damaged package should have a claim slip attached that can give you directions on how to submit a claim. We recommend taking a picture of the package before opening the package if you choose to keep or refuse the package.


Q: Why does my tracking number status say it’s at AP, APO 96367, but it’s not at the Post Office?

A: Your package would be residing at our shipping facility before it can be delivered to the Post Office. Please wait for the email notification for confirmation.


Q: What can I do if I don’t want the package?

A: You can refuse the package and it will be sent back to sender. Please sign the refusal slip given by the postal clerk.


Q: Can I open the package before I decide to keep it?

A: No, the package must be delivered to you before opening.


Q: Where is the key when my package is in a parcel locker?

A: The key will be in your mailbox. If the key is not there, please go to the Customer Service window for assistance.


Q: Why is it taking so long for my package to arrive?

A: It depends on the shipping status of your package. International and boat mail will arrive later than usual.


Q: Why do I have to sign for certain letters/packages?

A: Express shipping, Certified and insured mail will have signatures required.


Q: Do you have a lost and found if I’m missing something from my package?

A: No, unfortunately any items outside a package will be considered dead mail and cannot be given to customers.


Q: What do I do if I received someone else’s mail?

A: Please give any mail that is not meant for you or others under your box to the Customer Service window. If Customer Service window is closed, please give them to a postal clerk at the pick-up window.


Q: What do I do if I open someone else’s mail on accident?

A: You will need to sign an ‘Opened by Mistake’ slip given to you by a postal clerk once you turn it in.


Q: What do I need to do if I’m authorized to pick up someone else’s mail?

A: Once the Authorized Agent form is completed, their mail will be included with yours once a clerk scans your ID. For mailbox contents, please see the Customer Service window for retrieval.


Q: I don’t have my CAC/dependent ID, could I still pick up my package?

A: Yes, but please bring a government-issued ID such as your driver’s license or passport.


Q: Do I need to take the hold off my box once I return from leave/TDY/deployment?

A: Unless you arrive earlier than the last date of the hold, no, the hold will automatically end upon its expiry date.


Q: Can I pick up packages if I’m retired, deployed or TDY here?

A: For retirees, you must have SOFA status, or you cannot receive mail. For TDY/deployers, your mail will be processed through Official Mail, located next the Outbound Mail. Please contact your Unit’s Mail lead for further questions.


Q: What can I do if I’m not able to pick up all my packages when I’m at the window?

A: We can still deliver the packages you can currently retrieve, but the remaining packages will be placed back on the shelf. You can come back to retrieve the rest before receiving the final notice.


Q: Can I only pick up packages with my name?

A:Yes, and please confirm the mail we bring to you has the correct name.


Q: Why do I need to confirm my name on the package?

A: It’s to confirm we are giving you mail that is addressed to you and others under your box number.


Q: Can we use the bathroom at the Post Office?

A: No. For security reasons, we cannot allow customers to use our facilities. Please use the facilities at the bowling alley or Chili’s across the street.

Q: How can I get appointed as an Activity Distribution Office (ADO) Unit Postal Clerk?

A: Please send an email to,the Official Postal Manager will send an email with all required documents for newly appointed ADO UPC’s.


Q: Do you have an example of a Unit’s Official Mailing address?

A: Yes, all official unit mail items should contain a “From” and “To” address in the below format.

    1. Example of “FROM” address:
  1. Department of the USAF
  2. 1234 Main Street
  • APO, AP 96368-5151
    1. Example of “TO” address:
  1. Mr. John Doe
  2. 4321 Motivation Blvd.
  • San Diego, CA XXXXX-XXXX

Q: Am I allowed to ship out farewell gifts through Official Mail?

A: No, IAW Military Postal Manual (MPM) section 41, Personal mail such as holiday and birthday greetings, unofficial retirement announcements, PCS or retirement plaques, and other similar material are unauthorized.

Q: Am I able to add additional/extra services on Official Mail (e.x. Priority Express, Certified, Registered Mail)?

A: IAW DODM4525.8_AFMAN36-306_PACAFSUP, para C1.5.3 – Additional/extra services will not be used unless a DoD or AF manual and/or instruction mandates its use. One-time, case-by-case, individual exceptions may be granted when unit commanders request the use of additional/extra service not mandated by regulations by submitting a letter of justification to the Official Postal Center (OPC), which includes, as a minimum, mission requirements or hindrances.

Q: Can a private organization establish an Official Mailing Address?

A: IAW Military Postal Manual (MPM), section 41, Mailings by or for private associations, such as unit associations, spouses’ clubs, Boy Scouts, Association of the United States Army, and the Air Force Association are Unauthorized use of appropriated fund postage may be charged under 18 U.S. Code 641. Private associations are not considered official business.