Kadena AB, Building #721-A, Room A – 108

DSN: 632.7215

Private & Unofficial Organizations

Private Organizations are self-sustaining special interest groups, set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Government. They operate on Air Force installations with the written consent of the installation commander. All Private organizations and Unofficial Activities are authorized 3 fundraisers per calendar quarter.

If you need any forms for fundraisers, becoming a PO, or maintaining PO status, please visit https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/kadena/18MSG/18FSS/FSR/FSRF/PrivateOrgs/default.aspx to download all necessary forms. This site requires a CAC card for access.

If you do not have a CAC card, please contact the PO Office at DSN 632-7215 or email 18FSS.FSRF.KadenaPrivateOrg@us.af.mil to request the necessary forms.