Hours of Operation
Friday: 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Family Days, Down/Goal Days, Federal Holidays & Weekends
Office Hours
Kadena Education & Training Office
Further your education
The Kadena Education and Training Center’s goal is to inspire and promote quality education and training and to promote life-long learning to the entire force. We accomplish this by meeting the needs of our customers through multi-faceted programs and services.
Military Testing
All testing sessions provided by Kadena Testing Office are “official military testing.”
- Candidates must show up in UOD. Business attire for civilian members.
- Must bring CAC. Civilian members without CAC need to bring 2 photo IDs.
- No food, drinks, phones, or other personal items in the testing rooms.
AFCT (Armed Forces Classification Test – ASVAB equivalent for active-duty)
Day(s)/Time: 1st Monday of the month/1300
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 4 hours
Results: Provided after the session on the same day.
Notes: Multi-part test used by the active duty military to identify an individual’s aptitudes and areas of greatest career potential. It is a test of ability and an indication of academic readiness to pursue a particular career choice.
AFRAT (AF Reading Abilities Test)
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 90 minutes
Results: Hard copy report provided on the same day.
Notes: English reading comprehensive test. Requested by UTM.
AFOQT (AF Officer Qualifying Test)
Day(s)/Time: Please e-mail kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil for updated testing sessions
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 2nd Floor, Rm #210
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: Approximately 5 hours
Results: Members can get scores in approximately 6 wks on the website (usually 10-15 days): http://www.afmilpers.us.af.mil/AFOQTSNet40/DODBanner.aspx
Notes: Standardized test that measures verbal and mathematical aptitude (similar to the SAT and ACT) as well as additional aptitudes relevant to specific career fields.
ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
Day(s)/Time: Kadena is not authorized to give ASVAB
Location: Torii Station
Contact: 315-652‐4390
Notes: Covers eight general subjects, testing not only members’ current knowledge but also propensity to learn in different subject areas.
Day(s)/Time: 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday @ 8:00 AM or 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 1:00 PM
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: CDC‐3 hours / PME‐2 hours
Results: Members can obtain results via myLearningwebsite (https://lms-jets.cce.af.mil/moodle/) upon test completion on the same day.
Notes: CDC (Career Development Course) end of course test for those who need 5‐7 level upgrades; PME (Professional Military Education) provides a standardized continuum of leadership training and education based on successive pay grades.
DLPT (Defense Language Proficiency Test)
Day(s)/Time: Mon/Tues, 8:00 AM (1 session each day) (Reading/listening as a set) OR Thurs, 8:00 AM/1:00 PM (Both sessions same day)
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 3 hours for listening & 3 hours for reading
Results: Scores are available after both sessions are completed.
Notes: Designed to assess the general language proficiency in reading and listening.
DLAB (Defense Language Aptitude Battery)
Day(s)/Time: Mon/Tues, 1:00 PM
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 90 minutes
Results: Scores provided immediately after the session.
Notes: Given to individuals to judge their ability on learning a foreign language.
EDPT (Electronic Data Processing Test)
Day(s)/Time: 1st Tuesday of the month/1:00 PM
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 90 minutes
Results: Hard copy report provided upon test completion.
Notes: Used to evaluate one’s basic ability to learn a military job which involves computer programming or working with electronic data processing equipment.
OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview)
Day(s)/Time: By appt (Must be requested at least 6 weeks prior to FLPB expiration)
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: Approximately 1 hour
Results: No results provided by Ed Ctr. DMDC adds achievements to member’s records once evaluated.
Notes: Conducted for Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) qualification or to satisfy a mandatory requirement.
TBAS (Test Of Basic Aviation Skills)/Tapas (Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System)
Day(s)/Time: By appointment
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: 90 minutes
Results: No results provided by Ed Ctr. PCSM adds achievements to member’s records once evaluated. PCSM site: http://www.access.afpc.af.mil/pcsmdmz/index.html
Notes: TBAS is a computerized psychomotor test battery; TAPAS is an innovative talent management tool based on non‐cognitive personality and motivation assessment.
WAPS (Weighted Airmen Promotion System)
Day(s)/Time: Scheduled through UTM & TCO prior to test cycle
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 2d Floor WAPS Testing Rm (Rm #210)
E-Mail: 718FSS.FSDMT.Testing@us.af.mil
Duration of Testing Session: SKT and PFE – 2 hours each (Approximately 4 hour and 30 minutes total).
Notes: Must be in uniform. No late admissions allowed.
Miscellaneous Tests
- Hazmat (Airlift inspector/Material preparer)
- Tropical Weather Analysis & Forecasting
- Weight & Balance
- Typing
Day(s)/Time: Contact Us for scheduling
Location: Kadena Ed Ctr, 3d Floor, Testing Rm (Rm #329)
E-Mail: kadena.educationservicestesting@us.af.mil
Results: Provided upon test completion.
National Test Center (by UMGC)
Testing Information – Testing is offered by appointment at the UMGC National Test Center (NTC). Schedule your test online at https://outlook.office365.com/book/KadenaABCLEPandDSSTTesting@umgc.edu/ or call UMGC at 634-2206.
CLEP – Register for CLEPs at https://clep.collegeboard.org/register, then register for a time with NTC.
DSST – No pre-registration. Register for a time with NTC.
GED – Register on https://ged.com/. To request the GED on Kadena Air Base NTC, you must call 1-877-EXAM-GED (877.392.6433)
Pearson Vue, Microsoft Certifications, Exelsior College Exams, and Automotive Service Excellence – Registration websites are specific to each test.
TOEFL, GRE, and PRAXIS – Registration websites are specific to each test.
Third-Party Exams – Proctoring services are available for a nominal fee.
Colleges and Universities
Undergraduate Programs
- University of Maryland Global Campus Asia
Associate and bachelor degree programs
Phone: 634-2206
Email: Kadena-asia@umgc.edu
Website associate degrees: https://asia.umgc.edu/online-degrees/associates
Website bachelor degrees: https://asia.umgc.edu/online-degrees/bachelors - Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Phone: 634-5083
Email: Kadena@erau.edu
Graduate Programs
- University of Maryland Global Campus Asia
Phone: 634-2206
Email: Kadena-asia@umgc.edu | Website: https://asia.umgc.edu/online-degrees/masters - Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Phone: 634-5083
Email: Kadena@erau.edu
Contact Info
TA/CCAF/Education Goals, etc.
DLPT/AFOQT/OPI, etc. (Military Testing)
WAPS Testing
Formal Training
Financial Aid
Air Force Aid Society Arnold Grant Program
- Grants ranging from $500 to $4,000 are awarded to eligible Air Force and Space Force dependents each year. The specific amount awarded correlates to a student’s particular level of financial need.
- http://afas.org/education-grants
Active Duty, Spouses, and Dependents
- Air Force Association Scholarships:
- MyCAA – The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses for the pursuit or maintenance (including continuing education courses) of a license, certification, or associate’s degree necessary to gain employment in an occupation or career field.
- https://mycaa.militaryonesource.mil/mycaa/
- Call Military OneSource to speak to a Career Coach at 800-342-9647
Air Force
Base Training
Phone: 634-2401
Email: 18WG.BTM.BaseTraining@us.af.mil
Civilian Training
Phone: 634-5940
Email: Chiemi.Karimata.jp@us.af.mil
Formal Training
Phone: 634-1770
Email: 718fss.fsdft.formaltraining@us.af.mil
Education Services
Phone: 634-1500 option 1
Email: kadenaeducationoffice@us.af.mil
PME Management
Phone: 634-0120
Email: kadena.pmemanagementoffice@us.af.mil
WAPS Testing
Phone: 634-1500
Please contact your unit WAPS monitor first: WAPS Monitor List
Requesting Transcripts to Update Your CCAF Record
If you have college credit to add to your CCAF record, please request official transcripts be sent directly from your college to CCAF at:
100 South Turner BLVD
Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL 36114-3011
Official transcripts can also be sent electronically from your college to ccaf.etranscript@us.af.mil.
Helpful Links
Provides military dependents free one on one online assistance with school work: www.Tutor.com
TA Decide
Listings of online degree programs and other useful information: http://www.dantescatalogs.com
Kuder Journey
This intuitive career planning system is designed to address each user’s individual situation. The career planning process starts with learning about oneself. Journey’s research-based interests, skills, and work values assessments kick-start exploration and ultimately, encourage more career satisfaction. Please go to http://www.dantes.kuder.com to get started.
On Island VA Representative
Camp Foster
Bldg. 5679, Room 20
DSN: 645-4027
Cell: 080-9438-2042
Kadena AB
Education & Training Office
Bldg. 59, 1st floor
Cell: 080-7137-9500
GI Bill
The GI Bill website provides detailed information on all VA education benefits plus comparisons. Click here for more information.
- To transfer your GI Bill Benefits to spouses and/or dependents: https://myfss.us.af.mil/
- Transfer of benefits to spouses and/or dependents must occur while on active duty.
- Member must have served at least six years on active duty and commit to serve four more years to
transfer benefits. - Members must transfer benefits by their 16th year of service.
- Members must convert to Post 9/11 GI Bill to transfer benefits. Once you convert from the Montgomery GI Bill to the Post 911 GI Bill you cannot change back.
- After separating or retiring from the service, you can change the amount of benefits given to
dependents and spouses, but they must have at least some of the benefits given to them before you
leave the service.