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DSN: 634.3366
Mobile: +81.098.961.3366

Military and Family Readiness Center

We are home to the Air Force Aid Society, Air Force Wounded Warrior Program, Career Services, Cultural awareness, Emergency family assistance center operations, Exceptional Family Member Program, Family life education, Financial management, Okinawa Area Emergency Evacuation Plan Training, Personal and family readiness, Relocation assistance, Transition assistance, Volunteer resources, and more!


What To Know Prior To Moving To Kadena AB
Please enroll in our pre-arrival orientation to learn everything you’ll need to make your move to Kadena AB as smooth as possible.


  • Lodging: Reservations can be made 90 days in advance by phone or email. Orders are needed to make a reservation.
  • TMO/Household Goods Shipment: Houses on Okinawa are small, and storage is limited. Please do not ship oversized items. If looking at housing options prior to arrival, take into consideration that there must be enough room for the carries’ truck to deliver your property and one-way streets and narrow roads without parking can cause delays or refusal.
    • Contact information:
    • Pets: If you choose to bring a pet, they are difficult to move off island during the months of May-August. Keep your pet up to date on rabies vaccine, have their FAVN Antibody test current, and maintain heartworm, flea, and tick treatments.

Upon Arrival

  • Housing: The option to live on-post or off-post is dependent upon availability of on-post housing. On-post homes are not currently being offered to DoD Civilians unless they are on the Key & Essential Personnel List controlled by the 18th Wing.
      • Loaner Furniture Furnishing: those living on post on full Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) will receive access to loaner furniture for up to 90 days at the start and 60 days at the end of their tour. Those living off-post on reduced JTR will received access to loaner furniture for the duration of their assignment.
      • All persons in Military Family Housing (on-post) receive stoves, oven, dishwashers, refrigerators, clothes washers and dryers. Persons living off-post have access to stoves, ovens, refrigerators, clothes washers, and dryers.
      • Port to Home: This initiative was established to support inbound service members moving directly into permanent family housing quarters upon arrival to Okinawa.Accompanied: To apply for Housing, you will need DD Form 1746, PCS orders & amendments, and AF Form 4422. Please see downloads for these documents.
    • Unaccompanied:
      • Ranks E1-E-4: Unaccompanied Housing provides a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens, cleaning supplies and equipment for comfortable living. Room arrangements may vary on the dormitory.
      • Ranks E-5 and above: Full joint federal travel regulations have been implemented, keep in mind that if you bring large/oversized furniture to Kadena that will not fit into your dorm room or other unaccompanied quarters, the government will not return these items and storage facilities are not available. All dormitory rooms are furnished with linens, a microwave, and a refrigerator. Some dormitories have shared bathrooms, and some have private. Most dormitories have shared kitchens and laundry rooms.
  • Finance: Be advised that the Finance office will need a Special POA to discuss financial matters with spouses.
  • SOFA Permit: To obtain your SOFA permit complete the test by filling out the blank answer sheet, bring a copy of your orders (or Letter of Employment for Civilians), and your current driver’s license and ID card to your appointment.
  • Employment: For military spousal preference (MSP) the spouse must by on sponsor’s order or an amendment. Using MSP will put you at the top of the applicant list for review and is lost when accepting/declining a job offer.
    • NAF offers regular full (35-40 hours), part time (20-34 hours), and flexible (no guaranteed hours) positions.
    • Civilian Personnel Section
  • Family Child Care: The Dept of Defense program makes it easy to find the child and youth care your family needs. Extended Child Care (ECC) assists families in obtaining childcare from certified providers on or near the installation. Care is dependent on availability.
    School Liaison Program: School age children living on or off-post on Kadena AB can be zoned for one of the 7 the schools in DoDEA (Amelia Earhart IS, Ralph F. Stearly PS, Bob Hope ES, Kadena ES, Kadena MS, Ryukyu MS, or Kadena HS). If pre-registering your child online, please remember you must visit the school to complete registration.
    • Documents Needed:
      • Birth certificate or passport
      • Immunization record
      • IEP or 504 Plan
      • Lease/Housing assignment letter
      • Report card/Records from previous school if applicable
      • Orders
      • Bus Registration: E-mail

Fill Out the Form Below to Get Access to the Pre-Arrival Video

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Starting TAP

Complete the TAP Self-Assessment and email to

A TAP Counselor will respond within 5 business days of submission to schedule your Initial Counseling appointment.


Starting TAP Documents


TAP Schedule

Step 1 Initial Counseling

This first step assesses service member goals/needs and assigns a Tier level (1-3) based on individual preparedness for transition.

Service members learn what must be accomplished and are provided with resource information.

The eForm (DD Form 2648) is initiated during this appointment.
Must be accomplished NLT 365 days from the date of separation (DOS).

Step 2 Pre-Separation Counseling

During this briefing, members are informed of entitlements/benefits they may be eligible for to assist them, their family members, and their significant others with the transition to civilian life.

Pre-separation Counseling should be accomplished early in the transition process but NLT 365 days from the anticipated date of separation.

Downloads provided in this section describe the programs, services, and resources available and will assist with transition planning.

Step 3 Transition (TAP) Workshop

Three days of comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare service members for their transition.

This workshop consists of the following mandatory requirements: DoD Day, VA Benefits and Services, DOL Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition.

Step 4 Capstone

Service members show evidence they have completed Career Readiness Standards (CRS), which are tangible measurements of a service member’s preparedness to successfully transition from military to civilian life. The eForm (DD Form 2648) is finalized during this appointment.

Must be accomplished NET 12 months and NLT 90 days from date of separation (DOS). You will need the completed DD Form 2648 (signed by leadership) to out-process the installation. You will be signed off in vMPF after the DD Form 2648 is complete.

Two-Day Tracks

Service members are encouraged to participate in at least one Two-Day Track. Click on the title of each workshop in the “Two-Day Tracks Downloads” tab to learn more. Depending on your Tier level assignment, a Two-Day Track may be required.

Career Readiness Standards (CRS) for each track may be required at Capstone.

Two-Day Tracks Downloads

DoL Career and Credential Exploration (C2E)

The DOL Career and Credential Exploration Track assist with establishing clear goals, evaluating training options, and building an action plan. Participants will complete personalized career development assessments of occupational interest, aptitude, and work values. They will learn how to use certification finder web tools to identify licensed occupations and a military occupational code translator.

CRS: Complete a comparison of technical training institution options

Click read more for the C2E Participant Guide.

DoL Employment Workshop

The Employment Track assists members seeking employment with resume writing, interviewing skills, networking, labor market information, and federal employment.

CRS: Complete targeted resume or provide verification of employment.

Click Read More for the Participant Guide.

Entrepreneurship (Boots to Business)

Participants pursuing self-employment in the private or non-profit sector will learn about the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, the benefits and realities of entrepreneurship, and the steps toward business ownership. Upon completion of the Entrepreneurship track, service members will have developed the initial components of their business plan.

After completing Boots to Business, participants may elect to enroll in an optional eight-week online Entrepreneurship course. Service members and Veterans will be connected with a small business owner to mentor and guide them through their business start-up.

CRS: None

Managing Your (MY) Education

Service members pursuing college education will receive guidance to prepare for the college application process. The Education track addresses such topics as identifying educational goals, education funding, and researching and comparing institutions. Upon completion of this track, service members will be prepared to submit an application to an academic institution, meet with a counselor from the institution, and connect with the Student Veterans Organization on campus. Service members will be able to meet with education counselors for individualized preparation as desired.

CRS: Complete a comparison of higher education institutions option

Programs & Services

Child Care for PCS

Take advantage of 20 hours of free child care, per child, in a licensed Family Child Care home. Certificates are valid within 60 days of PCS.

Class Calendar

Check out this month’s Class Calendar!

Cultural Awareness

Japanese for Busy People
Learning useful phrases and pronunciation can help you communicate more effectively while in Japan. These classes offer the basics of Japanese language and are an excellent way to discover how you can communicate in Japanese.

Japanese Kimono Wearing
Kimono is a Japanese traditional style of dress. You will learn not only the techniques on how to wear a Kimono, but you will also learn the history, protocol, and garment care. You’ll be able to take home pictures of yourself in an elegant Kimono. All materials are provided.

Bi-Cultural Marriage Workshop
This workshop is designed for Japanese-born spouses to learn about the military and American cultures. Scheduled quarterly.

Japanese English Conversation Group

Thursdays • 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Experience a language and cultural exchange between American and Japanese local nationals. Come and go as you please.

Career & Volunteer


The M&FRC provides comprehensive services and assistance to aid employment. Services include:

  • Classes and individual consultation on career planning and personal development, resume writing, interviewing skills and all other phases of the job search process.
  • Offers guided access to computers, printers, internet information on careers, jobs, and the development of job search skills.
  • Individual career counseling and planning as well as career assessments.


Understanding Spouse Employment

Looking for a job can be a daunting task, but you’re not alone when it comes to finding employment. The staff at the Military and Family Readiness Center is here to help you open doors! Our goal is to ensure you have the information needed to improve the effectiveness of your job search. You’ll be guided through the process from cover letters to how to conduct yourself in an interview. In addition to classes, you can schedule a personal consultation with one of our experts to assist you personally!

Federal Job Search and Résumé Writing

Navigating federal employment can seem overwhelming. Ever wonder why you aren’t getting referred for the job you want so badly? Let us guide you through the federal job search process and help you make your résumé stand out from all the rest.

Interviewing Skills

Most employers assess a candidate’s value within the first 30 seconds of an interview. We can teach you how to make those 30 seconds the key to opening up employment opportunities. First impressions matter.


The Volunteer Resource Program provides numerous opportunities for military members and their families to experience new things while giving back to their communities and/or helping others

  • The M&FRC collaborates with other base volunteer agencies to recruit, train, place, and recognize volunteer service.

Newcomer's Orientation

Held every Thursday of the month. Please check and register on Tockify: for specific dates/location. Mandatory for all in-bound military members to Kadena. For questions, please contact:

Relocation Assistance

e-Sponsorship Application & Training (eSAT)
A great tool for sponsors! This computer based training module provides tips on how to make initial contact, assess member’s needs, and access to the Sponsorship Tool Kit is also available. Go to the Training Website (CAC enabled website) to complete the training.

Loan Locker
Visit the Kadena Loan Locker to borrow household items such as dishes, microwaves, cookware to use while you are arriving or departing the island. Items are loaned out for 30 days at a time and extensions may be requested. Please bring a copy of your PCS orders (must be within the last 60 days). The Loan Locker is open Monday – Friday from 0800 – 1600 and is closed from 1130 – 1300 for lunch.

Plan My Move
The workshop is designed to assist individuals and families departing from Kadena, by providing information that can help during the relocation process promote a smooth transition to their next duty assignment. Briefers include SME from the following areas: M&FRC, Traffic Management Office (TMO), Finance, Lodging, Housing, AMC Terminal, TRICARE, Vet Clinic, and DODDS.

Helpful Relocation Websites
Military OneSource
Military Installations
Plan My Move
Kadena Air Base
Air Force Housing
US Department of Defense Education Activity
Okinawa Conventions and Visitors Bureau

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

Pre-Separation Counseling
All separating and retiring service members must complete their Individual Counseling and Pre-Separation Brief at least 365 days prior to their last day of service. Pre-separation counseling consists of providing information, assessment, and referral to separating and retiring members. Topics include, but are not limited to, employment assistance, relocation assistance, education and training, health and life insurance, finances, and veterans’ benefits. Contact the M&FRC to make an appointment or to attend the group session.

Initial Counseling
Initial Counseling: The first step in starting your Transition Assistance Program (TAP) requirements is the completion of Initial Counseling. During Initial Counseling the Service Member will complete an assessment to assist in gaging their preparedness for transition in to the civilian sector. A TAP counselor will work with you to establish an individual focused plan to ensure you receive all needed and required transition assistance services.

Transition Assistance Workshop
The seminar covers career exploration, job search skills, stress management, resume writing, interview skills, appropriate business attire, educational resources, and more to help prepare for life after the military!

VA Benefits Briefing
A Veterans Affairs Benefits advisor is available for individual appointments every Thursday and Friday at the M&FRC. A group briefing is also available Monday – Friday, please call for an appointment or to reserve the group briefing. The Veterans Affairs Disability Claims representative will give a briefing on benefits during the Transition Assistance Program (TAP).

Résumé and Application Review
Transitioning military members and their spouses may bring in résumés and federal applications to be reviewed by a trained consultant. When customers bring in their applications or résumés, an individual appointment is scheduled to discuss the document in depth, which gives the consultants an opportunity to thoroughly review the document and research additional resources that might enhance it.

Exceptional Family Member Program

Respite Care
The M&FRC and Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) have teamed up to provide those active duty Air Force families with ill or disabled family members who are in financial need, with respite care. This program is intended to provide a break for up to 40 hours per month, per child to include their non-EFMP siblings. This program is not an ongoing benefit, rather, assistance until a family can manage financially without the service. Contact the M&FRC for more information regarding the program and the referral process.

Resource Center
The M&FRC has an abundance of free reading materials available for checkout. Books cover topics such as IEPs, the Autism Spectrum, health-related issues, ADD/ADHD, parenting survival guides, and a large assortment of other medical, educational, and behavioral materials.

Whether you are new to the island, have been here for years, or are about to PCS to your new duty station, your EFMP coordinator can help link you to services you and your special needs member may need, or not even know about! The EFMP coordinator can also give referrals for respite care through the Air Force Aid Society.

Identification & Enrollment Assistance
If you believe you or a family member should be enrolled, or if you’re unsure about your enrollment status, the EFMP-FS Coordinator can help refer you to EFMP-Medical. The EFMP-FS Coordinator and the EFMP-Medical Special Needs Identification and Assignment Coordinator work very closely to ensure you and your family will have access to the services your family needs at your current and future duty locations.

Workshops and Events
Exceptional Family Member Programs strive to be all-inclusive, or “purple.” Whether it’s a program on Kadena, Torii, Foster, or any of the other installations on island, we aim to include everyone and share our knowledge with special needs families.

Enrollment in EFMP is mandatory and we want everyone to know this is to ensure all necessary members are enrolled. The EFMP aims to help active duty members to complete their mission while having the comfort of knowing their special needs family members will be taken care of no matter where they go. We strive to have educated commands, sponsors, and key spouses to spread the word about the program and available resources for our families.

EFMP-FS Coordinator
For assistance with any of the above information, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Military & Family Readiness Center’s EFMP-FS Coordinator at 634-3366. It would be our pleasure to help you and your special needs family members while you live on Kadena Air Base and future duty locations.


Financial Management
One of the greatest challenges facing most individuals is managing finances and planning for the future. The Personal Financial Readiness Program offers the opportunity to learn the basics of sound financial management via classroom instruction or during individual consultations. From learning how to budget to planning for your retirement, let the experts at the Military & Family Readiness Center help you discover how to take control of your financial future.

Financial Foundations
Budgeting and goal setting are critical to your financial success. Learn to take control of your finances from the basics of budgeting through beginning investment strategies. We can help you with the following financial touch points listed below:

Here is a tool to help you develop a simple budget and work towards meeting your financial goals:
Click here for a simple budget worksheet!

Individual Assistance
If you would like individualized assistance, our staff of experts is available to assist you on an appointment basis. Individual appointments are recommended if you are facing particularly difficult financial problems. Our staff can assist with establishing a basic budget, managing debit cards/checkbooks, repairing credit, buying a car, buying a home, Thrift Savings Plans, and other basic investing information. For an appointment, call 634-3366.

Helpful Financial Management Links
Annual Credit Reports
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Federal Register
Military OneSource
Air Force Aid Society
Service members Civil Relief Act


HeartLink Spouse Orientation
Are you an Air Force spouse that wants to expand your military knowledge? This spouse orientation offers valuable tools to help you successfully adapt to the military lifestyle. We provide a catered breakfast and lunch, guest speakers, games and a panel of community agencies/experts. If attending within 60 days of PCSing to Kadena you may be able to utilize your free childcare voucher (“Childcare for PCS” program). Registration required.

Give Parents a Break
This program is designed to give relief through free childcare while the military member is deployed or TDY for more than 30 days. This program is offered on the third Saturday each month at the Child Development Centers for children 6 weeks to 5 years old and the Himawari School Age Program for children 5 years (in kindergarten) to 12 years old. Vouchers are distributed at the Military and Family Readiness Center. Please bring a copy of your spouse’s deployment orders. Vouchers must be submitted to the CDC/SAP by noon on the Wednesday prior to the designated Saturday.

Hearts Apart
Join us each month for an fun filled deployed family activity. We will offer various activities dealing with the four pillars of wellness to help support spouses through the different stages of deployments. All deployed family activities are open to all spouses and children of a deployed or TDY service member from any branch of service. This is a great opportunity to network and meet other spouses.

Operation Rest
This program is designed to boost the morale of the entire family using a visual reminder of loved ones during separation. The Military and Family Readiness Center will provide personalize pillowcases or T-shirts with photo transfers of both military and family members.

Programs for Re-deploying/Returning Service Members

Returning Home Care Program
Air Force members returning from overseas deployments of 30 days or longer (not to include going to the states to attend school) are entitled to 16 hours of free child care under the Extended Duty Child Care Program. This program is available to active duty members and is designed to help returnees settle back into their home stations. The care must be used within 30 days of returning home from deployment. Service will be provided on a space-available basis. If care is not available when requested, the Family Child Care office will work to have it reserved for a later date. Contact the Family Child Care Program at 634-0514 to schedule an appointment regarding registration and child care providers.

Other Programs

Key Spouse Program
The Air Force Key Spouse program is a formal unit Commander readiness program designed to enhance family readiness and offers peer-to-peer wingman family support. Contact M&FRC for program information or to get connected to your key spouse.

Non Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)
This program ensures SOFA personnel are prepared for emergency evacuation.

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